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Paolo Azzalin
Partner - Ria Grant Thornton

Paolo Azzalin

Professional experience

Paolo joined Grant Thornton in 2011.

Partner since 2020, he currently holds the position of Head of Transaction Advisory Services - Financial Due Diligence.

Previously, he worked from 2009 to 2011 at KPMG S.p.A. covering the role of Auditor.

Paolo plays the role of team leader in relation to transaction advisory services projects, with specific reference to Financial Due Diligence, Pre-Post Deal services, Valuation activities.

The areas in which he has mostly carried out his activity and specialized are: Companies of Public Interest, Retail commerce, E-commerce, Manufacturing, Industrial products, and Not for profit.


Paolo graduated in Economics and Business Administration in 2006, specializing in Economics, Banking and Finance at the University of Varese in 2009.

Professional qualifications and memberships  

Paolo is enrolled in the Register of Statutory Auditors and in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan. Paolo is also a member of the Assirevi General Technical Commission.


Paolo Azzalin
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Partner - Ria Grant Thornton
Paolo Azzalin
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