We identify the needs and critical issues to overcome in order to find effective solutions that can be integrated into the company.

The integration of new software within a company is a delicate process that requires a complex implementation methodology.

Our experience allows us to offer our clients complete management of the process, assisting and supporting them at every stage.

Our services

  • Analisi aziendale ria grant thornton


    We liaise with the client and study its corporate processes to closely examine the key points and functions and to establish the needs of its specific business.

  • software selection ria grant thornton


    Once the needs and business processes have been established, we look for the most suitable management software solution on the market and evaluate the pros and cons of integration within the company ecosystem.

  • software deployment ria grant thortnon


    Once the software has been selected, the software deployment service
    is also carried out. This service provides support in the installation, configuration and use of the tool step-by-step in the workstations and in the company processes, ensuring correct use and optimal integration in order to achieve increased efficiency and improvement.

  • software & data audit ria grant thornton


    We provide consultancy for evaluating the software used in companies and the related data produced. We establish their correct integration and conformity within the company processes according to needs and attitudes.

  • Business Intelligence Ria Grant Thornton


    Our support allows companies to transform structured data into significant information for decision-making purposes, through the application of methodologies, processes and tools that return reports, graphs and dashboards with concrete and timely responses to precise business needs and objectives.